Special offer for international bellydancers

XIV World oriental dance championship in Moscow, Russia 2-6 May 2016

Together with XIII World Dance OLYMPIAD

More than 27000 dancers from 45 countries


Special conditions for one Adult participant from any country for Oriental classic program include:

exemption from entry fee;

-       two free nights staying in the hotel with a breakfast (2 's, 3-beds room);

-       lack of payment on reservation;

-       4 meals voucher for free;

-       participation in 2-x money free master classes with champions;

-       free photographing + picture in front of the main banner;

-       transfer from and to the airport and the hotel;

-       presentation in the booklet of the Championship;

-       the special gift from sponsors.


Prize money for solo female Adults Oriental World Championship = 1000 Euro:

• 1 place-200 EUR

• 2 place-200 EUR

• 3 place-200 EUR

• 4 place-150 Euro

• 5 place-150 Euro

• 6 place-150 euro



